Home > Seminar Feedback – Writing and Publishing High-Impact Research Manuscripts
Seminar Feedback – Writing and Publishing High-Impact Research Manuscripts
“Very useful information. Presenter was very knowledgeable and offered valuable information and tips. Great tool for residents, fellows to transition abstracts (posters) into manuscripts.”
Assistant Professor, Medicine. University at Buffalo, SUNY
“I really enjoyed the program. These concepts and the material presented will most definitely be incorporated into my resources. Loved it!”
Assistant Professor, Nursing, SUNY Erie
“This was a wonderful overview of the publication process. I learned several key pieces of information that will greatly improve my ability to publish.”
SAC, Otorhinolaryngology Department, Mayo Clinic
“As a result of this seminar, I plan to approach the discussion section with more structure. This was very helpful.”
– Clinical Researcher, University of Arizona
“I wish I would have been exposed to this material earlier! Great job. “
– Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois
“Dr. Papasian was a fabulous lecturer with a great sense of humor and profound knowledge of the field and material. Thank you for inviting such an engaging, talented speaker! Would recommend this course for anyone!”
– Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
“Excellent sessions! Provided very valuable information for my career.”
– Fellow, Baylor College or Medicine
“Very informative seminar for young investigators. I would definitely recommend to other doctors new to publishing.”
– Wayne State University
“Great session. Would be very helpful for all research fellows and trainees. I feel more confident starting to write my next manuscript.”
– Clinical Fellow, Mayo Clinic
“Really, really helpful. A lot of energy, a lot of enthusiasm. Practical and rational. Awesome presentation! I am going to incorporate a lot of the ideas/content in my ongoing manuscripts.”
– California State University, Fresno
“I’ll be able to create a new approach to drafting and outlining my manuscript.”
– Faculty, University of Arizona
“Dr. Papasian is very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. Really enjoyed the course. Very helpful, learned a lot. Would highly recommend for students/fellows/young investigators.”
– Oncology Fellow, Mayo Clinic
“I really appreciated all the speaker’s personal anecdotes. I feel like it drives the important points home.”
– Cornell Medical College
“Humorous, engaging, fast-paced and communicated general desire to assist in all ways to provide success with manuscript acceptance.”
– Baylor College of Medicine
“Great speaker! Very important career development information.”
– Wayne State University
“This was very helpful.”
– School of Social Work, University of Illinois
“This was awesome! Dr. Papasian was very knowledgeable and well versed on the topic. Would definitely recommend this program to others.”
– Baylor College of Medicine
“I’m not sure I’ve ever given out all fives. Dr. Papasian deserves it. He was phenomenal, interesting and informative. He kept my attention all day.”
– Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic
“Great program – really well organized, with plenty of detail in each section. Would definitely recommend!”
– Cornell Medical College
“It was very useful to me. It was very clear and understandable. Dr. Papasian is a very good presenter!”
– Wayne State University
“I found this meeting really helpful. One of the most enjoyable and informative seminars I have ever attended. Thank you for organizing and a very special thanks to the great speaker!”
– Research Fellow, Mayo Clinic
“I’ve learned how to write a better cover letter and how to make sure my problem is effectively stated.”
– Clinical Researcher, University of Arizona
“Great speaker. Kept seminar lively. I learned a lot today. Awesome for faculty development.”
– Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
“Wonderful experience; very valuable guidance. Practical guidance/examples were helpful. Material presented was very pertinent to current times.”
– Fellow/Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic
“I loved the spirit and enthusiasm and great sense of humor of our presenter. He did a wonderful job and I found the talk to be highly informative. I would definitely recommend to a friend.”
– Cornell Medical College
“I’ll be writing my first paper and I found this seminar very helpful. Thanks!”
– Mayo Clinic
“Great workshop, very appreciated. I wish I had such education during my first faculty year.”
– Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
“Extremely informative seminar that will undoubtedly influence my manuscript writing from now on. The speaker was very articulate and knowledgeable while remaining interesting throughout which maintained the audience’s attention. Time well spent!”
– Mayo Clinic
“Very useful and practical. This should be mandatory for anyone wanting to pursue a research career – especially fellows who want to pursue a research career.”
– Baylor College of Medicine
“Tips were very informative. I have great ideas to apply to current manuscripts in process.”
– Cardiovascular Diseases Fellow, Mayo Clinic
“I took your seminar last year and found it incredibly helpful! I’m in the middle of writing a publication and am following your lecture notes step-by-step. I absolutely loved your seminar and found it to be the most engaging lecture I’ve had the pleasure of listening to. If only all speakers were as engaging (and prepared) as you.”
– Pharm. D., R.Ph., Mayo Clinic
“Truly fantastic! Practical, insightful. In addition, Dr. Papasian’s sense of humor makes this potentially tedious discussion quite enjoyable.”
– SAC, Mayo Clinic