This half-day presentation focuses on renewals and resubmissions to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). However, the principles and fundamentals, as well as most of the tips and strategies, are transposable to other agencies. The program works best when it is presented as a follow-on to the Write Winning Grant Proposals seminar. However, it can also be presented as a stand-alone program.
Renewal of grant funding is often essential to continue the development of an important line of investigation. The first part of this program helps attendees understand how to position themselves for renewal success, to include how to maximize their rate of publication during the current period of grant support.
The second part of the seminar details how to maximize the likelihood of success when it is necessary to resubmit an application. NIH’s resubmission policy and strategies related to it – especially to triaged applications – are discussed in detail. Common causes of resubmission success and failure are described, thereby allowing attendees to capitalize on the former while avoiding mistakes that are responsible for the latter. Participants are also taught how to analyze and respond to a Summary Statement, as well as how to use the related Program Officer and Scientific Review Officer in developing their response to the constructive criticism they received. Finally, attendees learn how to write their response to the prior review (Introduction) and how to link that response to changes in the Research Plan of the resubmitted application.
All participants receive an extensive handout, as well as a copy of the NIH version of The Grant Application Writer’s Workbook.